Saturday, October 1, 2011

What A Week!

I was just about to go to bed when I got the sudden urge to blog. So, here I am!

I have been feeling pretty great this week! I only subbed one day (boo) but I really stuck to my workouts. From I worked out Sunday-Friday, giving myself Saturday off because 1. I felt yucky last night and 2. my body is so extremely sore! My arms are on fire, they still hurt to raise whenever I try to pick anything up.

I am nervous about stepping on the scale on Monday morning. I have been very conscious about what I have been eating this week and I even started taking my multi-vitamin regularly again (along with some extra zinc). I set a goal not to drink pop but I feel going cold turkey right away will cause headaches so I cut it down to pop once a week. Which this week, I stuck to! Otherwise, I've only drank ice water, iced tea, and the occasional iced coffee I make for myself at home when I need a little boost. I have also been making my own pasta whenever my mom makes pasta because I would rather eat my whole grain pasta than the white starchy pasta! I also have been eating my regular Chobani (new found love).

In general I feel really good about myself this week. I put my jeans on and I mean, I'm still not pleased that they are uncomfortable, but I can't expect miracles in a week!

The gym changed up their afternoon classes which I am excited about because now I have more chances for Turbo Kick in the afternoon/night rather than just the morning and one evening. So, if I end up subbing there is always a class I like that night! I've also started walking the treadmill at an incline (2% this week, 3% starting tomorrow!).

That's about all for now... I can't wait for a new week of TV! I am loving the fall shows this year! Has anyone seen 2 Broke Girls? It's so so so so funny! Thanks goodness for the internet, because without it I wouldn't be able to watch half the shows I watch on Mondays!

Favorite part of Glee this past week.... besides Darren's phenomenal arms that make it so hard to believe he's actually a junior in high school....
(whoever made this gif, bless them.)
I mean, if you watch Glee, you know his version of "Somethings Coming" was literally goosebump-amazing. Rumor has it that they are bringing in a new Warbler to stir the pot between Klaine (nooo! I love the Klaine relationship).

Perhaps for my birthday or Thanksgiving Darren would like to join me at Disneyland. ;) 

Until.... next time......

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