Friday, August 26, 2011

Crazy Friday

I like to have things planned. I can be spontaneous but I find it hard because I worry. I am trying to work on it, but I am just such a cautious person...

I had my Friday planned Thursday night. Bring peanut butter balls to school, see old students before their school day began, head over to the gym for 9:15 turbo, 1/2 hour extra cardio/weights, home, shower, pick up pizza and meet friends at school for lunch and then a pedi with Lisa. MY FRIDAY WAS PLANNED!!

And then the phone rang at 7am. (P.S Darren Criss, I love my "One Fine Day" ringtone but I need something more loud and obnoxious...) It's the sub caller. WHAT? It's the 3rd day of school... I was not planning on getting called until at least after Labor Day. Of course I took it, I'd be crazy not to! I have been DYING to get back into the classroom and I need to get my name in the district. So there I am at 7:15 calling my two friends from school letting them know I'll still drop off peanut butter balls but can't do lunch. They were excited for me, I was nervous as allll heck.

I subbed for middle school today. 6th, 7th, and 8th. It was fairly simple. Home Economics. Woo! 8th graders were great! I really enjoyed them. When the 6th graders showed up (I had 3 periods of 6th graders) I got a welcome surprise. A LOT of students that were at the school I student taught at last year were in the class I was subbing for!! It was so exciting! Some highlights:
"oh man, my sister is gonna be so jealous when she finds out you were my sub!"
"miss p! what are you doing here?!"
"miss p is so cool you guys, you don't even know."
"hey miss p! rumor was you were here so I had to pop in to see if it was true!"

I love these kids? They weren't even kids I taught! Just kids that I helped out with after school at homework club, siblings of kids I taught, and kids that I overall just said hello to and they were comfortable enough to ask me for help when they needed it.

I love my job. I can't wait to teach full time. However today I realized that subbing will be a wonderful experience. For instance, as of now, 7th grade... no thank you!

So even though my planned day went down the drain, it still ended up successful (and I got my pedi). I didn't go to the gym... I should have. I know I should have. I just couldn't motivate myself to after getting home. I should have thrown my bag into my car this morning... live and learn.

Tomorrow I am going to see Pinocchio with Cady! I am crazy excited! It looks so good. This also means no work out but... I will be walking around Chicago so it semi-counts. I just know I have to be more conscious of what I eat and Sunday work a little harder. It's worth it!

Still frustrated. I feel like I look the same regardless of how hard I am working out. I know eventually it will pay off. The only decent thing is that I feel like my legs are toning up, still flabby but less flabby than before.

I better get some sleep. I have an 8:25 train to catch!
Also, I am annoyed with everyone making jokes/thinking the song is called "Come on Irene" because of this hurricane. It's "Come on Eileen" and my middle name is greatly offended you can't get it right!

It won't let me post a video tonight. It won't load. Oh well! Also, it keeps showing the time I posted 2 hours behind. How do I fix this?


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Zumba Wednesday

Over the summer I have started referring to my days based on the classes I take at the gym. As you can see, today was Zumba!!! I love Zumba. I love it. LOVE it. It's so much fun, the time flies! At first I was a little self-conscious there is a lot, and I mean A LOT, of booty shakin and hip whippin'. After a while though, I realized, it doesn't really matter. No one is watching ME and besides almost every single person in the room is at least double or triple my age.

Which brings me to my next point... usually there is someone who is my age or younger at the Zumba Wednesday morning class. Today.... not so much. It was me and all the moms and grandmas. Which is totally cool, except the fact I felt like I was being judged for not being at school or work or something of that nature. It feels weird NOT being in school. I feel like I'm breaking some law not being there. It's where I am supposed to be... someone please call me to sub soon. I need something to do! I miss being in the classroom!

Regardless, my workouts have been going well but I am getting annoyed. I work out at least 5-6 days a week. By this I mean, I take a class almost every day.
Monday- Turbo
Wednesday- Zumba
Thursday- Hip Hop Heat
Friday- Turbo
Saturday- Turbo

After each work out I walk/run on the treadmill and depending on my mood, do the Arc Trainer. Which comes to usually, a grand total of 1 1/2- 2 hours of working out. Yet, I can't shed a pound. NOT A SINGLE POUND. I refuse to step on the scale. I have not stepped on the scale for 2 1/2 weeks. It was bringing my mood down, down, down. Those NUMBERS. Ugh. Maybe in a month I will step on the scale. Maybe.

Once I start subbing my workout routine will change a little. All my classes I can take at night (thank goodness!) but then I will have to start calling my days by different things. I don't care because 1. I want to work, I need to work, I miss school and 2. I love my classes and I get to see my favorite Turbo instructor more (she reminds me so much of Chalene, she is so great and motivating).

So there you go. Maybe one day I'll let you know how much I actually weigh, you know, when it starts going down to numbers I like again.
/end my obnoxious rant.

I had the house to myself today until 2:30 and I loved it. I love being home alone. I can do whatever I want without people, aka my sister, making snarky, rude, hurtful comments. After lunch I decided I would bake. Now, if you know me, you know I love to bake. I've been told that you can taste the love in my food. I just enjoy baking. I would bake all day. I absolutely savor being able to turn on my itunes and start baking. It makes me feel like nothing else matters in that moment except for what I'm making (and what I'm singing along to!).

I made some delicious banana nut muffins! They are super easy and virtually no mess! I got the recipe from this blog: Check it out. Her recipes are healthy and pretty easy! (Tip: I find frozen bananas make better batter than unfrozen! I also add 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon!)

We've had a zucchini sitting on our counter for a week now. We got it from one of my neighbors and my mom wasn't quite sure what she wanted to do with it. So I decided, before it molded and went bad (which it would have before my mom got to it!) I would take a stab at zucchini bread. My oh my. No one told me grating zucchini would be so tediously boring! In the long run, it was VERY easy to make and it's CRAZY delicious. I was so proud of myself! The batter made two loaves, which is good because one loaf is already half gone. It's so moist and yummy... just thinking about it I have to stop myself from cutting a slice. I used this recipe: Mom's Zucchini Bread make it. You'll be happy.

This is turning into a long blog. I better wrap it up... tomorrow I am making my infamous Peanut Butter Balls. They are originally my Auntie B's but I was given the recipe and replicate it often! A bunch of ladies from work, well it's not work it's the school I student taught at but I call it work out of habit, have been texting me asking me to bring a bowl in this week. During the year I student taught (yes, I student taught for a full school year) I would bring them in periodically and they would be gone before lunch time even hit. They have become such a staple that they are being requested as a "Friday Treat." I love everyone there so of course I'm going to make them... plus a little sucking up never hurt anyone!

Okay, okay, I'll shut up now! Music of the day... man you're going to get sick of Darren Criss if you actually watch these videos. I don't actually know if anyone watches them but I enjoy them as a nice little parting gift. Here's one of my favorite, favorite, favorite oldies, "One Fine Day." When I first heard him cover this song I couldn't believe my ears. He made a reference that many people wouldn't know this song... um is he crazy? I grew up listening to the oldies!

One fineee dayyyy... sigh.

Until next time..

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Give Up The Dream ISU...

You're not a real team!

Gosh, I had so much fun today. I forgot how much I love spending time with Cady. Regardless of the Cubs losing, I regained another positive influence, close friend, and overall awesome person in my life. I adore her to pieces! I can't wait to go to the city again Saturday to see "Pinocchio" with her. I don't even know what else to write. I had a smile on my face all day! Her convincing of Chicago and the thought of possibly an open room in June is ever so tempting...

Alright, it's 2AM. I need to get up so I can gym it up in the morning!

Let's see... what musical lovelies will I leave here this morning... Oh I know! McFly :) "Too Close For Comfort." Whenever I hear this song I think of Cady because when we lived together she always said it was her favorite.

Until next time...


Monday, August 22, 2011

A Windy City Confession

I have some time before I have to catch the train so I thought I would blog!

I'm heading into the city to meet up with an old college roommate and to see the Cubs game tonight! Should be a lot of fun, I haven't seen her in a year! We went through a lot of things together at Illinois State so it should be nice seeing her again. Our Freshman year as roomies went swimmingly, our Sophomore year was full of tension and our Junior year we just co-existed. When I look back on those years we were both young, figuring out who we were, and trying to find our niche in life. I do feel bad for the way I acted towards her, especially our Sophomore year, so I can't wait to see her tonight. The first thing I plan on doing is giving her a great big hug and apologizing. I hope we can start off where we left off, just on a better foot! My Senior year really helped me grow up and learn more about myself. I am also trying to come from a "place of yes" so I am ready to apologize and move forward. I can't wait :)

I personally can't believe I am heading into the city AGAIN. The second time in a week? Who am I? I used to think the city was gross... scary... far... but the more time I spend there the more I am loving it! Which takes me to my "windy city confession."

I would love to live in the city. I never thought I would say those words. My entire life I have been told the city is "bad" the city is "expensive" the city is "too far." It's not like just because I say I'd like to live there that I will end up there. I have a lot to take into consideration. For instance, I cannot understand the silly trains, I would have no one to live with, I would have to find a job at an uppity school/commute to the suburbs everyday, I have no money?

It's nice to dream though!

Changing subjects... I missed my work out this morning.  Oops. My alarm went off and I turned it off. If I wasn't spending the rest of the day in the city I would have gone, but I knew I would be exhausted without having enough time to nap. I had work done on my teeth last week and the tooth is still seriously hurting me. It kept me up until 3:30 AM, throbbing and causing pain. My 8 AM wake up call, no thanks. It's okay. I'm not going to beat myself up over it. More conscious of what I eat today and just hit the gym a little harder tomorrow!

School officially starts tomorrow. I unfortunately didn't get a full time job this school year so I'll just be subbing. I am actually looking forward to it. I will hopefully get to sub for a lot of different grades, different teachers, different schools. I am taking this in as a learning experience and hopefully getting a job in the district next year (or anywhere really)! Even though the school year starts tomorrow, I am not planning on getting any phone calls this week. I don't feel like teachers get sick the first week of school, but you never know!

I find a lot of happiness in music and I love sharing songs I love, so today let's share a favorite again. Yesterday I shared my current "theme song" as I call it. Today I'm going to share one of my favorite Disney songs as covered by Darren Criss (groan, groan, complain... whatever, he's fantastic!). I love MANY Disney songs but Beauty and The Beast is near and dear to my heart. This is pre-Glee so he has his seriously, adorable, curly hair going on.

Enjoy :)

Until tomorrow... or tonight after my Cubs game? 


Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Post!


This world of blogging is all new to me. I've been wanting to blog for some time but I just never took the time to actually sit down and write. However, thanks to Michelle I have been inspired to blog!

I'm not sure what exactly I will be blogging about... I thought about maybe putting up some recipes and then realized that's sort of silly because not many people will be reading this. So I think I'm just going to stick to daily life. Which, let's face it, consists lately of whining and complaining. I apologize in advance. I also plan on blogging about getting into shape, my best friend's wedding (yay!), my adventures in baking as well as my adventures in being a substitute teacher, and whatever else comes my way (Did somebody say, Darren Criss?). 

So, I guess I'll kick this off with a video. I love this song, it's from a show called "Starship." It's highly entertaining and I suggest all of you to watch it. Darren Criss wrote the music for this show. It's done by the theatre company he is part of, Starkid. (I assume those reading this blog know who Darren Criss is and if you don't get out of the rock you live under!) Any who, this song is called "Status Quo" and lately I have found myself relating to it more and more. I don't have time to go into explanation (I should really be getting to bed)! In the show Joey Richter's character, Bug, sings this and as much as I love his version I love Darren's live version of it a little more. 

This is not my video, so kudos to those who took it. I was too busy singing along and simply being in awe of Darren being A. adorable B. so close to me C. adorable D. amazing E. fantastic ... I could keep going...

So, without further ado, I give you, "Status Quo."

Really... who doesn't love the curly hair?

More tomorrow! :) 
